Rabbi Lord Sacks to Receive Hebrew University Honorary Doctorate

Rabbi Lord Sacks to Receive Hebrew University Honorary Doctorate
27th February 2020 admin_bfhu

British Friends of The Hebrew University are delighted to announce that an Honorary Doctorate will be conferred on Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks at the 83rd meeting of The Hebrew University Board of Governors gathering in Jerusalem, taking place from June 12-17, 2020. Rescheduled to 24-27 October 2020

The degree of Doctor of Philosophiae Honoris Causa is conferred annually on a select number of esteemed honourees from around the world, which this year, will include Rabbi Lord Sacks.

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks said:

“The history of The Hebrew University is intrinsically intertwined with the establishment of the State of Israel and the development of modern Zionism. As one of the world’s most respected academic institutions, its influence on Israeli society and culture is without parallel. It is for these reasons, among many others, that I am truly humbled by the University’s decision to award me an honorary doctorate, and I look forward to visiting the campus later this year to take part in the ceremony.”

Hebrew University President, Professor Asher Cohen commented: 

“In awarding the degree of Honorary Doctorate, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem recognises personal achievement including in academia, social justice, humanity, solving global challenges, the Jewish People and the State of Israel; in respect of all these criteria, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is a most worthy recipient.”

The Hebrew University is Israel’s foremost centre of advanced learning and research, which since its opening in 1925, has been collaborating and sharing knowledge across every continent. Freud, Buber, Weizmann, Ahad Ha’am, and Einstein are counted amongst its illustrious founders. Serving all citizens of Jerusalem and Israel, The Hebrew University is today especially renowned for Medical Science, Computer Science, Agriculture & Environment, Law and Jewish Studies. With eight Nobel prizes to its name, and as Israel’s largest centre of research, The Hebrew University remains a power-house in the development of the State’s brain power.
