Watch a HUJI Talk with lawyer and researcher Dr. Renana Keydar of the Hebrew University’s Faculties of Humanities and Law. Today, as atrocities are committed across the globe, from widescale slavery in Africa to the decimation of the Syrian people to the persecution of the Uighers in Asia, the desire and need for justice is greater than ever. In this talk, Dr. Keydar explains her vision for how digital humanities can help us bring justice for the victims of mass atrocities.
Dr. Renana Keydar was driven to explore new paradigms of justice in our digital world after serving as the legal advisor in the High Court of Justice Department of the State Attorney’s Office and seeing the limits of the law, and also partly from having three grandparents who were Holocaust survivors.
She takes us on a journey through several cases where atrocities were prosecuted, and how using digital tools can empower a new understanding of the victims’ experiences and the outcomes of trials.
Click here to watch the HUJI Talk