Proud to Lead: Hebrew University Alumni Meetup in London

Proud to Lead: Hebrew University Alumni Meetup in London
10th July 2024 Moriah Aharon

Earlier this month, Hebrew University alumni gathered at the Center for Transnational Legal Studies at King’s College London. We had the honour of hearing from Prof Asher Cohen, President of the Hebrew University, who addressed the University’s challenges amid the current conflict and international boycott attempts, and shared the University’s efforts to strengthen alumni connections.

At the center of the event was a conversation between Prof Mona Khoury, Vice President of Strategy and Diversity at the Hebrew University, and Iris Margulis, EU Quality Director at Amazon and a HU alumna herself. They discussed the complexities of diversity management in large organizations, effective coping strategies, and how academic experiences prepare graduates for the modern workforce.

As always, our alumni were eager to continue the discussion and network well beyond the official close of the event. We’re already looking forward to the next gathering!

View the photo album (photos by Yoav Pichersky) 

Watch the highlights of the evening at this short clip 

The Hebrew University alumni community in the UK is part of the global initiative to build an active, international alumni network. Our goal is to create unique value for our graduates by fostering social and career opportunities, providing access to quality content, and strengthening the bond between the University and its alumni.

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