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British Friends Passover Appeal 2021
Read moreAn appeal supporting the Hebrew University’s needy students
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Eyes on the Future
Read moreIn Israeli Academic First, Hebrew University Launches an International Master’s Program in “Smart Cities and Urban Informatics”.
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Can Understanding Constipation Help Diagnose Parkinson’s Disease Earlier?
Read moreHebrew University researchers unveil a chain of physiological events that may help provide new methods for disease diagnosis.
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Hebrew University cancer drug without animal tests, using human-simulating chip
Read moreHebrew University professor, Professor Yaakov Nahmias says tech that mimics human body can now be used to develop other new treatments, saving time, animals’ lives and money.
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Summer Study at the Hebrew University
Read moreTake advantage of the 10% discount for students applying via the British Friends: apply by March 15 and make payment by April 15.
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E.T. Phones Home!
Read moreHebrew University Researchers Observe First Evidence of Delayed Radio Flares from Tidal Disruption Event by a Black Hole
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Legends of Tomorrow’ – Hebrew University Medical Faculty researchers
Read moreWe may not know what tomorrow will bring, but we can be certain that Hebrew University students will always continue their pursuit of knowledge and the revolutionary breakthroughs.
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The Revivim Progamme at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Celebrating 20 years developing Jewish Studies educators
Read moreRevivim offers these excellent students the opportunity to complete a B.A. and M.A. in Jewish Studies, as well as teacher certification, in four concentrated years of study.
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Read moreThe Rector has issued his latest update which includes news prestigious prize awards, Covid matters (research and students impact), planning for the 2021/22 academic year and more.
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The Rappaport Prize is awarded to Prof Yehudit Bergman
Read moreProfessor Yehudit Bergman from the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine has been announced winner of the Rappaport Award for Excellence in Biomedical Research.
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