
  • Sep242018

    Counting (on) Sheep? Promising Gene Therapy for Visually-Impaired Sheep Now Safe for Human Trials

    Back in 2009, a group of Israeli researchers identified a herd of Awassi sheep suffering from “day blindness”. As its…

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  • Sep142018

    At Hebrew University, all students will study entrepreneurship

    In Israel, which boasts the greatest number of startups per capita in the world, and sports the nickname Startup Nation,…

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  • Sep122018

    Royal Albert Hall Honours Einstein

    On Tuesday 4 Sept, Professor Albert Einstein who spoke in 1933 at this iconic London landmark was honoured with the…

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  • Aug242018

    For First Time in 40 Years, Cure for Acute Leukemia Within Reach

    Hebrew University Drug Trials Show 50% Cure Rate in Lab Mice Acute myeloid leukemia is one of the most aggressive…

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  • Jul262018

    Need Help with Your Math Homework? Ask the Worms

    New Hebrew University Research Reveals Complex Math Calculations Worms Perform in Search for Food Animals often rely on their sense…

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  • Jul122018

    Centenary Celebrations for Hebrew University Founded by Einstein, Freud, Weizmann!

    How many universities in the world can claim to have been founded by the likes of Albert Einstein and Sigmund…

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  • Jul052018

    To future generations

    Marking the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstones of the Hebrew University, is a moment…

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  • Jul032018

    HUJI Law Prof to Lead UN Human Rights Committee

    Yuval Shany, the Hersch Lauterpacht Chair in Public International Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has been selected to…

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  • Jun122018

    The man who just can’t stop inventing

    Nanotech pioneer Prof. Oded Shoseyov has already founded 11 companies based on his inventions. Now he’s on his next: a…

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  • Jun122018

    UK Minister visits centres of innovation at the Hebrew University

    UK Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, Sam Giymah MP, along with a substantial delegation made his first overseas…

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