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E.T. Phones Home!
Read moreHebrew University Researchers Observe First Evidence of Delayed Radio Flares from Tidal Disruption Event by a Black Hole
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Legends of Tomorrow’ – Hebrew University Medical Faculty researchers
Read moreWe may not know what tomorrow will bring, but we can be certain that Hebrew University students will always continue their pursuit of knowledge and the revolutionary breakthroughs.
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The Revivim Progamme at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Celebrating 20 years developing Jewish Studies educators
Read moreRevivim offers these excellent students the opportunity to complete a B.A. and M.A. in Jewish Studies, as well as teacher certification, in four concentrated years of study.
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Read moreThe Rector has issued his latest update which includes news prestigious prize awards, Covid matters (research and students impact), planning for the 2021/22 academic year and more.
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The Rappaport Prize is awarded to Prof Yehudit Bergman
Read moreProfessor Yehudit Bergman from the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine has been announced winner of the Rappaport Award for Excellence in Biomedical Research.
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Israel prize awarded to Prof Yair Yakovitch
Read moreThis year’s Israel Prize for Biblical Studies has been awarded to Professor Yair Zakovitch, from the Faculty of Humanities.
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Law Faculty Prof Yuval Shany considers online free speech in Fortune
Read moreThe dramatic events of Jan. 6, 2021, the first takeover of the U.S. Capitol building since 1812, mark a possible tipping point in the power relationship between the U.S. government and the major online platforms.
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An End to invasive Biopsies?
Read moreHebrew University Researchers Advance Simple and Inexpensive Diagnostic Blood Test that has the potential to diagnose a wide array of diseases including cancers, liver diseases, immune disorders and more.
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A 120,000 Year Old Message?
Read moreHebrew University Researchers share in project uncovering prehistoric bone with etchings believed to be among the oldest evidence of human use of symbols.
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Recognising British Friends Chairman Isaac Kaye
Read more‘Jewish News’ includes BFHU Chairman Isaac Kaye, in its feature ‘120 over 80 – meet our mentors!’, celebrating the oldest and wisest of the UK Jewish community.