Single Gifts

Single Gifts

Single Gifts

Donating to BFHU online is secure and easy.

On these pages you can donate to our Annual Appeal or give to a specific area of the Hebrew University. You can also mark a happy occasion or remember someone special.  From births and birthdays to Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, weddings or anniversaries or to gift in memory, dedicate your donation here and help make a lasting difference in support of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Celebrating a birthday, wedding or anniversary? Invite family and friends to make a donation in lieu of gifts.

Please call Alison Baker on 020 8349 5757 or email: for more information.

Single Gifts

How to donate

Please enter the amount you would like to give then click “Donate” and follow the onscreen instructions; you can specify the cause on the check-out page.
